Understanding Kit for Unscripted Editorial Teams

(Booking details below)

What will I be required to do with the kit on location? How do I charge and then replace a battery? What equipment do I need to back up the rushes? How do I use a boom pole?

This informal two-hour session takes you through the step by step process of what kit may be used on unscripted tv productions and why. Aimed at anyone working in the editorial team, the course will introduce attendees to the various elements of filming kit and demonstrate what they are for and what you may be asked to do with the kit on location. No technical or operational knowledge is required!

The course is based around a standard FX9 kit for factual filming, including lighting and sound recording, but is relevant to any professional filming – different types of equipment setups will be discussed and explored in the course. Questions and contributions are welcomed so that attendees leave with a good knowledge of what basic items make up a filming kit, what they look like and what you mustn’t leave base without.

Who is this for

Editorial team members who would like to get more familiar the tools of the trade used in filming environments. It is of particular benefit to Runners, Researchers and Assistant Producers who might be required to prepare kit before filming sessions and help look after the kit on location.

We also do a course for Understanding Kit for Production Teams which you can find here.


What it covers

  • Identification of various elements of a professional filming kit – cameras, lenses, sound, lighting and more

  • How to prepare a filming kit – batteries, recording media and consumables

  • Kit Q and As


Matthew Harrisson has worked in television since 1999, when he started as a technical trainee in BBC Wales. As a member of staff there for 17 years, he gained experience in the camera department in studios, OBs and on location, and also in production with the BBC Wales music department. Since leaving BBC Wales in 2017, Matthew has continued to direct short insert films for music and dance productions as well as working as a freelance camera operator. He currently works across a range of productions, including Pobol Y Cwm (as Director of Photography/Camera Supervisor), sports coverage for various broadcasters, and orchestral concert coverage. Matthew is also Administrator of the Royal Television Society Cymru Wales.



If you are looking for financial help to cover course costs, then the organisations listed here may be able to help.




Online - via Zoom

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Terms & Conditions

Will you send me a VAT receipt?

If paying via Ticket Tailor, you will receive a confirmation email detailing the costs. If you require a more detailed receipt please contact me via contact@mediacareeradvice.co.uk and I can send you a receipt on company headed paper.

However do note that I am not currently VAT registered, so I’m afraid VAT can’t be claimed back on the ticket price via your personal tax return.

My company needs to pay via invoice

No problem. Drop me a message via contact@mediacareeradvice.co.uk and I can prepare an invoice for you and book you a place on the course. You will need to send me your company name and address for the invoice.

Payment via invoice to be made no later than 30 days from date of the invoice.

I don’t want to appear on camera

Personally I feel it benefits other course participants and myself as a tutor if you are able to appear on camera. However if you’d prefer not to that’s fine, it isn’t a course requirement to have your camera on at all times.

If you need to cancel

There will be times when you may book onto courses/events and subsequently find that you are unable to attend. In these situations I ask that you notify me of your need to cancel as soon as possible.

Your booking can be transferred across to the next available course date. Please note - I will only be able to offer a transfer across to two subsequent course dates (which allows more leeway if you are unable to attend the next course date). I will not be able to transfer your booking if you are unable to attend the next two course iterations and a refund will not be issued.

Alternatively a refund will be issued to attendees who cancel at least 1 week prior to the course/event. If you have booked via Ticket Tailor there is a non-refundable fee calculated at Stripe's 1.5% local charges/ 1.95% Premium card charges / 3.25% International charges of the ticket cost + £0.80 GBP per ticket. Attendees who cancel within the 1 week period will not be eligible for a refund.

What happens if Media Career Advice cancels?

There may also be times when I need to cancel a course/talk. In the first instance we will re-book attendees onto the next available course. However if this isn’t possible we will provide a full refund to all trainees booked onto those courses/events.

What happens if I lose connection?

You will need an internet connection that supports video conferencing and a device that has a camera and a microphone.

In the event of a lost connection email contact@mediacareeradvice.co.uk to discuss options to catch up on the sessions missed.