How to create an impactful CV for the Film & TV Industry

(Booking details below)

Putting together and knowing how to improve your CV can be daunting, especially if you haven’t worked in the Film & TV industry before.  What should it look like? What should it contain? Should I include all of my roles? Does it sell what I can do? 


This webinar is designed to guide you through the process of creating an impactful CV for the Film & TV industry, with the chance to ask questions built in.

Who is this for

The webinar is suitable for those wanting to work in any role in TV & Film no matter their current level/experience so far. You could be a new entrant or an established freelancer, or you may be looking to make the move across from a different industry and don’t know where to start when putting together your CV.

By the end of the webinar you will be fully equipped with the knowledge and tools to create an impactful CV for the Film & TV industry.


What it covers

  • The importance of having a CV

  • Who needs a CV

  • What should be listed on a CV

  • How it should be laid out

  • How to avoid common mistakes

  • Where to send your CV to secure work

  • Q&A section


Hannah Gosney is an experienced Head of Production/Senior Production Manager. She has been in the industry for over 12 years working across many different genres from commercial/corporate, sports, natural history, documentaries, drama and more. As part of her role she is responsible for hiring teams so has seen many different CVs, cover letters and conducted interviews and knows what works well and what doesn't.

Throughout Hannah's career she’s been passionate about supporting her teams in their careers and she now focuses her time on providing career advice and support and training for the media industry. She has a Level 3 Train the Trainer qualification, a Level 3 Award in Education and Training contextualised to the screen industries and is a Level 3 qualified ILM Coach & Mentor.




Online - via Zoom

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Personally I feel it benefits other course participants and myself as a tutor if you are able to appear on camera. However if you’d prefer not to that’s fine, it isn’t a course requirement to have your camera on at all times.

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Your booking can be transferred across to the next available course date. Please note - I will only be able to offer a transfer across to two subsequent course dates (which allows more leeway if you are unable to attend the next course date). I will not be able to transfer your booking if you are unable to attend the next two course iterations and a refund will not be issued.

Alternatively a refund will be issued to attendees who cancel at least 1 week prior to the course/event. If you have booked via Eventbrite then Eventbrite’s fee is non-refundable. This fee is calculated at 6.95% of the ticket cost + £0.59 GBP per ticket. Attendees who cancel within the 1 week period will not be eligible for a refund.

What happens if Media Career Advice cancels?

There may be times when I need to cancel a course/talk. In the first instance we will re-book attendees onto the next available course. However if this isn’t possible we will provide a full refund to all trainees booked onto those courses/events.

What happens if I lose connection?

You will need an internet connection that supports video conferencing and a device that has a camera and a microphone.

In the event of a lost connection email to discuss options to catch up on the sessions missed.