Women in Film & TV - Cardiff 1-2-1 CV Clinic
I’ll be running a FREE 1-2-1 CV Clinic for those who are members of Women in Film & TV. It will be in Chapter in Cardiff on the 15th November between 10am - 5pm.
During the session I’ll provide advice and guidance on CV improvements to help you succeed in securing your next role.
How to write a CV for the Film & TV Industry
Breaking into the Film & TV industry is notoriously difficult. There’s a huge amount of competition for entry level roles, so what can you do to give yourself the best chance of getting those roles?
One of the most important things to do is to create an engaging CV that sells your skills and experience to get you through the door. However, putting together a CV for the media industry can be difficult, especially as they look very different to a CV used in any other industry. So take a look at my top tips
Getting the most from your CV Webinar
Your CV is probably the single most important resource you have when applying for jobs.
Whether you're freelance, staff, on contract or just starting out, your CV is often the first chance an employer will get to know about you, your skills, experience and education. Based on what they read, they might pick up the phone and invite you for interview. Or they might not!