RTS Virtual Careers Fair
Are you looking to get all the latest tips, tricks and practical advice to help you land that all important first job in TV, learn about the different jobs and schemes out there and network with the most influential creatives in the business! Then book your ticket for the RTS Virtual Careers Fair on the 2nd & 3rd February.
Cult Cymru Production Courses
I’m very pleased to announce that I’m partnering with Cult Cymru to run my courses through them.
The training is only available to those living in Wales and is supported by the Welsh Government’s Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF). It is hosted by Bectu working in partnership with Equity, the Musicians’ Union, the Writer’s Guild of Great Britain and the Wales TUC.
Merry Christmas and Thank You!
I’m very pleased to announce that ScreenSkills have asked me to run bitesize versions of my production courses for them covering various subjects.
ScreenSkills Bitesize Production Courses
I’m very pleased to announce that ScreenSkills have asked me to run bitesize versions of my production courses for them covering various subjects.